The Faery folk are saying
Its time to go a'Maying!
Hither now for the Jack o' the Green
Is wedding to his May Queen!
Danu and Belenos are soon
Handfasted 'neath a Dyad moon
Hither now for the Jack o' the Green
Is wedding to his May Queen!
Greenmen grin through greening
As witness to their sacred oath
Hither now for the Jack o' the Green
Is wedding to his May Queen!
Fern fiddles played by Faery folk
As the fire of Bel we stoke!
The Faery folk are saying
Its time to go a'Maying!
Let us don our floral crown
Join our hands and dance the round!
The Faery folk are saying
Its time to go a'Maying!
Ribbons red and white they go
A'weaving round the Maypole
The Faery folk are saying
Its time to go a'Maying!
Twatha de Dannan
Welcome back Riahnnon!
The Faery folk are saying
Its time to go a'Maying!
©2001 Victoria Parks